P-003:The reduction ratio describes the relationship between the input movement and the output movement. With a reduction ratio, the output movement is smaller than the input movement.
120 : 1
P-004:With self-locking, the forces caused by friction are always greater than the applied adjustment forces due to the geometric relationships of the sliding partners. Due to the geometric conditions, the sliding partner in which the force is initiated cannot be moved relative to the sliding parter on which the adjustment force is applied.
P-006:Refers to the smallest diameter that is available to the application on the central rotary axis of the entire drive train.
Hollow shaft
P-008:The unidirectional repeatability describes the positional uncertainty that arises when repeatedly approaching a setpoint from the same direction with no load.
The repeatability is defined as half of the maximum difference together with a +/- sign.
Repeatability unidirectional
10 arcsec
P-009:The bidirectional repeatability describes the positional uncertainty that arises when repeatedly approaching a setpoint from the opposite direction with no load.
The repeatability is defined as half of the maximum difference together with a +/- sign.
Repeatability bidirectional
20 arcmin
P-010:The positioning accuracy of a gear describes the maximum deviation of the output angle relative to the setpoint or, with a linear actuator, the maximum deviation of the output position relative to the setpoint.
The measurement is performed during a complete rotation of the output element or a complete traverse of the travel range path with the aid of a high-resolution measurement system.
There is no change in the direction of rotation or direction reversal.
The positioning accuracy is defined as the absolute value of the maximum difference between the theoretical setpoint position and the measured actual position of the output element.
15 arcmin
P-011:The transmission accuracy of a gear describes the linearity error between input and output angle.
The measurement is performed during a complete rotation of the output element with the aid of a high-resolution measurement system.
There is no change in the direction of rotation.
The transmission accuracy is defined as the sum of the absolute values of the maximum positive and negative deviation between the theoretical and the measured angular position of the output shaft.
Transmission accuracy
30 arcmin
P-013:The torsional stiffness can be ascertained from the characteristic of the hysteresis curve of a gear.
The torsional stiffness is defined as the slope of the hysteresis line and describes the elastic torsional angle of the output shaft as a function of a torque.
The hysteresis curve is determined by subjecting the output to load while the input is blocked with a clockwise and an anticlockwise torque and the corresponding angular displacement measured.
Torsional stiffness
2.77 Nm/rad
P-014:The value for the lost motion can be ascertained from the characteristic of the hysteresis curve of a gear or linear actuator.
Lost motion is defined as the angular difference or position difference at which the two branches of the hysteresis curve cross the torque or force zero point, i.e., no load is applied.
The hysteresis curve is determined by subjecting the output to load while the input is blocked with a clockwise and an anticlockwise torque or a forward-acting and a backward-acting force and the corresponding angular displacement or positional change measured.
Lost motion
20 arcmin
P-015:The backlash can be determined from the course of the hysteresis curve of a gear or mechanical transmission system. The backlash is defined as the range in which the course of the hysteresis curve is vertical, i.e. there is a change in angle or position without changing the torque or force. The hysteresis curve is determined by loading the output with a clockwise and counterclockwise torque or force when the drive is blocked and measuring the associated angular torsion.
0 arcmin
P-016:Rated torque or rated force is defined as the torque or force at which the service life is achieved under rated conditions, i.e., rated speed.
With drive systems, the motor torque may, in some cases, not be adequate for overcoming the running torque of the complete system under rated conditions.
Rated torque
15 mNm
P-017:The peak torque or peak force is the loading of the components in the drive train, e.g., the teeth of the gears, still below the fatigue strength.
This does, however, result in increased tooth wear, which leads to a reduction in the service life.
With drive systems, the motor torque may, in some cases, not be adequate for overcoming the running torque of the complete system at peak torque or peak force.
Peak torque
28 mNm
P-018:The momentary peak torque or momentary peak force describes the maximum permissible torque or force that can act on the actuator. If the momentary peak torque or momentary peak force is exceeded, damage or a reduced life time of the actuator cannot be ruled out. With momentary peak torque or momentary peak force, the elastic deformations of the teeth are still small enough that no tooth meshing problems occur and proper function is ensured. The loads do, however, exceed the limit of the fatigue strength. Thus, the number of loads should be minimised. Should it occur once, breakage or failure will not result. With drive systems, the motor torque may, in some cases, not be adequate for overcoming the running torque of the complete system at momentary peak torque or momentary peak force. In drive systems, the motor torque may not be sufficient to generate enough torque to meet the permissible momentary peak torque or momentary peak force. On the other hand, in drive systems, the existing motor torque can be so high that the drive system can exceed the permissible momentary peak torque or momentary peak force and the drive system can be damaged.
Momentary peak torque
70 mNm
P-021:Rated input speed is defined as the speed at which the service life is achieved under rated conditions, i.e., rated torque.
With drive systems, the motor torque may, in some cases, not be adequate for overcoming the running torque of the complete system at rated speed.
Rated input speed
10000 rpm
P-022:The maximum input speed refers to the speed before which mechanical damages occur to components in the drive train, e.g., scoring of the teeth or damage to the ball bearings.
With drive systems, the motor torque may, in some cases, not be adequate for overcoming the running torque of the complete system at maximum speed.
Maximum input speed
50000 rpm
P-023:Rated output speed or rated speed is defined as the speed at which the service life is achieved under rated conditions, i.e., rated torque or rated force.
With drive systems, the motor torque may, in some cases, not be adequate for overcoming the running torque of the complete system at rated speed.
Rated output speed
83.3333 rpm
P-024:The maximum output speed or maximum speed refers to the speed before which mechanical damages occur to components in the drive train, e.g., scoring of the teeth.
With drive systems, the motor torque may, in some cases, not be adequate for overcoming the running torque of the complete system at maximum speed.
Maximum output speed
416.667 rpm
P-026:The no-load starting torque describes the torque necessary for putting the gear into rotary motion without additional output-side load at 20°C and standard lubricant.
No-load starting torque
150 μNm
P-027:The running torque describes the torque necessary for driving the gear without additional output-side load at 20°C and standard lubricant at constant speed.
No-load running torque
100 μNm
P-028:The rated running torque describes the input-side torque that is required to operate the gear in rated operation, i.e., at rated torque and rated speed.
Rated running torque
1030 μNm
P-034:The service life is defined by means of the rated operating point, i.e., rated speed and rated torque, as well as a change of the accuracy characteristics, i.e., unidirectional repeatability, transmission accuracy, lost motion, of less than 10% of the respective catalogue value.
Lifetime for rated operation
1000 h
P-035:The backlash can be determined from the course of the hysteresis curve of a gear or mechanical transmission system. The backlash is defined as the range in which the course of the hysteresis curve is vertical, i.e. there is a change in angle or position without changing the torque or force. The hysteresis curve is determined by loading the output with a clockwise and counterclockwise torque or force when the drive is blocked and measuring the associated angular torsion.
Radial backlash output shaft
0 μm
P-036:The backlash can be determined from the course of the hysteresis curve of a gear or mechanical transmission system. The backlash is defined as the range in which the course of the hysteresis curve is vertical, i.e. there is a change in angle or position without changing the torque or force. The hysteresis curve is determined by loading the output with a clockwise and counterclockwise torque or force when the drive is blocked and measuring the associated angular torsion.
Axial backlash output shaft
0 μm
P-037:Stiffness of the bearing in the radial direction, i.e., elastic deflection of the mounted shaft in the radial direction as a function of the applied force.
Radial stiffness
11.32 N/μm
P-038:Stiffness of the bearing in the axial direction, i.e., elastic deflection of the mounted shaft in the axial direction as a function of the applied force.
Axial stiffness
40 N/μm
P-039:Max. permissible radial load on the output shaft (not in operation, force applied constantly)
Describes the maximum permissible radial load on the output shaft, whereby the drive is not in operation, i.e., is at a standstill and the force is applied statically. The static load-bearing capacity of the ball bearings Co and the geometric relationships from the point of force application and the bearing distance are decisive for the determination. For the permissible force, the worst case is assumed as the point of force application, i.e., the maximum distance between the ball bearings and the end of the output shaft.
Max. radial load on output shaft (non-operating, constant load)
135 N
P-040:Max. permissible radial load on the output shaft (not in operation, force applied impulsively)
Describes the maximum permissible radial load on the output shaft, whereby the drive is not in operation, i.e., is at a standstill and the force is applied impulsively. The load-bearing capacity of the ball bearings is decisive for the determination. With impulsive loading, the permissible load-bearing capacity of the bearings is reduced to one third of Co.
Max. radial load on output shaft (non-operating, impulsive load)
45 N
P-041:Max. permissible radial load on the output shaft (in operation, force applied constantly)
Describes the maximum permissible radial load on the output shaft, whereby the drive is in operation and the force is applied statically. Particularly important for the determination of the permissible force in the dynamic case are, in addition to the load-bearing capacity of the ball bearings, the stiffness of the bearing and the run-out error on the dynamic spline caused by elastic deformation. For the permissible force, the worst case is assumed as the point of force application, i.e., the maximum distance between the ball bearings and the end of the output shaft.
Max. radial load on output shaft (operating, constant load)
32 N
P-042:Max. permissible radial load on the output shaft (in operation, force applied impulsively)
Describes the maximum permissible radial load on the output shaft, whereby the drive is in operation, i.e., is turning, and the force is applied impulsively. With impulsive loading, the permissible dynamic load-bearing capacity of the ball bearings is reduced to one third of Cr. Likewise decisive for the determination are, in addition to the load-bearing capacity of the ball bearings, the elastic deformation of the output shaft near the dynamic spline and the associated run-out error due to the stiffness of the bearing.
Max. radial load on output shaft (operating, impulsive load)
32 N
P-043:Max. permissible axial load on the output shaft (not in operation, force applied constantly)
Describes the maximum permissible axial load on the output shaft, whereby the drive is not in operation, i.e., is at a standstill and the force is applied statically. Decisive for the determination is the static load bearing capacity of the ball bearings as well as the elastic deformation of the output shaft due to the stiffness of the output bearing and the associated position of the dynamic spline.
Max. axial load on output shaft (non-operating, constant
150 N
P-044:Max. permissible axial load on the output shaft (not in operation, force applied impulsively)
Describes the maximum permissible axial load on the output shaft, whereby the drive is not in operation, i.e., is at a standstill and the force is applied impulsively. Decisive for the determination is the static load bearing capacity of the ball bearings, which, in the impulsive case, corresponds to just one third of Co, as well as the elastic deformation of the output shaft due to the stiffness of the output bearing and the associated position of the dynamic spline.
Max. axial load on output shaft (non-operating, impulsive load)
50 N
P-045:Max. permissible axial load on the output shaft (in operation, force applied constantly)
Describes the maximum permissible axial load on the output shaft, whereby the drive is in operation, i.e., is turning, and the force is applied statically. Decisive for the determination is the dynamic load bearing capacity of the ball bearings as well as the elastic deformation of the output shaft due to the stiffness of the output bearing and the associated position of the dynamic spline.
Max. axial load on output shaft (operating, constant load)
380 N
P-046:Max. permissible axial load on the output shaft (in operation, force applied impulsively)
Describes the maximum permissible axial load on the output shaft, whereby the drive is in operation, i.e., is turning, and the force is applied impulsively. Decisive for the determination is the dynamic load bearing capacity of the ball bearings, which, in the impulsive case, corresponds to just one third of Cr, as well as the elastic deformation of the output shaft due to the stiffness of the output bearing and the associated change in position of the dynamic spline.
Max. axial load on output shaft (operating, impulsive load)
127 N
P-047:Max. permissible radial load on the input shaft (not in operation, force applied constantly)
Describes the maximum permissible radial load on the input shaft, whereby the drive is not in operation, i.e., is at a standstill and the force is applied statically. The static load-bearing capacity of the ball bearings Co and the geometric relationships from the point of force application and the bearing distance are decisive for the determination. For the permissible force, the worst case is assumed as the point of force application, i.e., the maximum distance between ball bearings and the end of the input shaft.
Max. radial load on input shaft (non-operating, constant load)
20 N
P-048:Max. permissible radial load on the input shaft (not in operation, force applied impulsively)
Describes the maximum permissible radial load on the input shaft, whereby the drive is not in operation, i.e., is at a standstill and the force is applied impulsively. The load-bearing capacity of the ball bearings is decisive for the determination. With impulsive loading, the permissible load-bearing capacity of the bearings is reduced to one third of Co.
Max. radial load on input shaft (non-operating, impulsive load)
6 N
P-049:Max. permissible radial load on the input shaft (in operation, force applied constantly)
Describes the maximum permissible radial load on the input shaft, whereby the drive is in operation and the force is applied statically. Particularly important for the determination of the permissible force in the dynamic case are, in addition to the load-bearing capacity of the ball bearings, the stiffness of the bearing and the run-out error on the sun gear wheel caused by elastic deformation. For the permissible force, the worst case is assumed as the point of force application, i.e., the maximum distance between ball bearings and the end of the input shaft.
Max. radial load on input shaft (operating, constant load)
15 N
P-050:Max. permissible radial load on the input shaft (in operation, force applied impulsively)
Describes the maximum permissible radial load on the input shaft, whereby the drive is in operation, i.e., is turning, and the force is applied impulsively. With impulsive loading, the permissible dynamic load-bearing capacity of the ball bearings is reduced to one third of Cr. Likewise decisive for the determination are, in addition to the load-bearing capacity of the ball bearings, the elastic deformation of the input shaft near the sun gear wheel and the associated run-out error due to the stiffness of the bearing.
Max. radial load on input shaft (operating, impulsive load)
6 N
P-051:Max. permissible axial load on the input shaft (not in operation, force applied constantly)
Describes the maximum permissible axial load on the input shaft, whereby the drive is not in operation, i.e., is at a standstill and the force is applied statically. The static load-bearing capacity of the ball bearings is decisive for the determination.
Max. axial load on input shaft (non-operating, constant load)
30 N
P-052:Max. permissible axial load on the input shaft (not in operation, force applied impulsively)
Describes the maximum permissible axial load on the input shaft, whereby the drive is not in operation, i.e., is at a standstill and the force is applied impulsively. Decisive for the determination is the static load bearing capacity of the ball bearings, which, in the impulsive case, corresponds to just one third of Co.
Max. axial load on input shaft (non-operating, impulsive load)
10 N
P-053:Max. permissible axial load on the input shaft (in operation, force applied constantly)
Describes the maximum permissible axial load on the input shaft, whereby the drive is in operation, i.e., is turning, and the force is applied statically. The dynamic load-bearing capacity of the ball bearings is decisive for the determination.
Max. axial load on input shaft (operating, constant load)
100 N
P-054:Max. permissible axial load on the input shaft (in operation, force applied impulsively)
Describes the maximum permissible axial load on the input shaft, whereby the drive is in operation, i.e., is turning, and the force is applied impulsively. Decisive for the determination is the dynamic load bearing capacity of the ball bearings, which, in the impulsive case, corresponds to just one third of Cr.
Max. axial load on input shaft (operating, impulsive load)
38 N
P-055:The moment of inertia specifies a body’s resistance to change its rotational movement.
Moment of inertia
62 * 10-4 gcm2
P-056:The weight of the drive without cables and plugs.
9 g
P-057:Minimum permissible temperature at which the drive may be stored or decommissioned without being impaired or destroyed as a result.
Min. permissible ambient temperature (non-operating)
-80 °C
P-058:Minimum permissible temperature at which the drive can be operated.
Min. permissible ambient temperature (operating)
-20 °C
P-059:Maximum permissible temperature at which the drive may be stored or decommissioned without being impaired or destroyed as a result.
Max. permissible ambient temperature (non-operating)
150 °C
P-060:Maximum permissible temperature at which the drive can still be operated.
Max. permissible ambient temperature (operating)
120 °C
Tool fitting
Ø3.17G6 – 8 deep
Connecting for vacuum supply
Kind of gear wheel input shaft
Spur gear DIN 867
Module gear wheel input shaft
0.2 mm
Number of teeth gear wheel input shaft
Pitch diameter gear wheel input shaft
8.4 mm
Pressure angle gear wheel input shaft
20 °
Material gear wheel input shaft
Additional technical data
Grease barricade preventing contamination at bearings and gear component set.
Material information